Welcome to Sex Life Science

Sex Life Science is dedicated to creating entertaining and educational content on a wide range of topics related to mental health, relationships, sexuality, and life satisfaction. Be sure to check out The Sex Life Science Podcast and The Sex Test by Sex Life Science.

The Sex Life Science Podcast

On the Sex Life Science Podcast, Dr. Justin Gregory Briggs and his co-hosts talk about everything in life from sex to science. The podcast is meant to entertain anyone looking to live their best life.

Be sure to check out our podcast page or listen to the show on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, or Amazon.

The Sex Test by Sex Life Science

The Sex Test by Sex Life Science is an anonymous, low cost, fun, thorough, and entertaining tool designed to give people detailed information about their sexual likes and dislikes, their sexual values, and their expectations for their partner.

Because account and billing information is kept separately from test responses, we can’t connect test results with anyone who has purchased an account. In other words, the test is anonymous to us but those who take the test can access their results using a test ID number on our results dashboard. 

When partners share their results with one another, they are shown a list of each of their sexual preferences. In other words, they have a bedroom “cheat sheet” they can use to try to enhance their sex life together. We hope partners talk about their results and use the information to create a better, more satisfying sex life.

Sex Life Science creator, Dr. Briggs, has been featured on…